December 3, 2008

Snow Much Fun!!

A while back we got to go visit Grandma Ilene for a few days and had planned a fun trip to the ZOO... Well, Mother nature must have missed our nice weather request because we woke up to a foot of SNOW!! Luckily the girls had so much FUN in the snow they forgot all about our Zoo plans!

Brinley had so much fun, and looked so CUTE all bundled up! (I think in this picture she was finally starting to get cold)

What's a fun day in the snow withought a SNOW ANGEL (or two)!?!

The girls even convinced Grandma to come help with the snoman, Robe and all (~She's going to love me for posting this picture! Sorry Mom it was too classic!!)
*Sadly Frosty tipped over before I could get a pic ~but his memory lives in our hearts! I'm sure next time we visit Grandma there will be plenty of snow for more FROSTY"S!!